jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

My present

After three years of being in a bubble,
after months of hatre and love with them, after a long and eternal honeymoon with my husband,
after the teerrible lose of you, dad, after the dream of being a mother, who I never got to be.
I found my self with you again, my writing
with the hole sound of typing
Trying to sew the pieces of loosely rags of my unventured life.
However insane one may be, happiness never refuses anybody a sweet smile.
I try to rebuild my building block by block sweating till my body can't even move one step more.

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011


How many times shoukld I ask the same things?
Get out of our lives
and leave us in peace!
Go away, and be happy whoever u want to be happy with
I don't mind!
I don't care anything but my family by now.
U are an intruder, an outsider, an otcast of any kind of civilzatiion.
u are nothing but an impure soul
thirst of anger and envy
Impurity is your main feature
Insanity is your virtue
morbosity is the portrait of your spirit.
Go away, and never return

lunes, 27 de julio de 2009


Title: Light drinking in pregnancy may be good for baby boys, says study
Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2008/oct/31/women-pregnancy-alchohol-birth-deffects
Date of publication:Friday October 31 2008

As a pregnant woman you are strongly adviced not to smoke or drink alcohol to help your baby grow up healthy. But researchers found that light drinking during pregnancy has no ill effects and may benefit baby boys. This topic is developed in the article ‘Light drinking in pregnancy may be good for baby boys, says study’, from a publication in The Guardian newspaper.
Boys born to mothers who drank lightly during pregnancy are better behaved and score more highly in tests at the age of 3 than the sons of women who abstained. Light drinking is defined as one to two units a week, or on occasion. The study also found that girls born to light drinkers were 30% less likely to have emotional and peer problems. But doctors were not completely certain that children’s better performance was not linked to their family background. Although it has always been clear that heavy drinking can seriously damage babies, scientists have not had good evidence either to prove or disprove that light drinking does any harm. The British National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence states that it is best not to drink at all for the first three months on the grounds of a risk of miscarriage, but thereafter occasional drink will not harm the foetus. Moreover, the list of food, drinks and activities to avoid is really long.
In my opinion, a study base on 3-year-old children cannot be absolutely certain even more if the origin of their behaviour is not clearly identified. I agree with the idea that light drinking after the first three months of pregnancy won’t harm the foetus. But I do not think that only alcohol could determine children’s behaviour or could have different effects according to their gender.
This article gives strong healthy recomendations of when and how much alcohol a pregnant woman can drink in order to avoid harming her baby. It also describes some possible benefits of alcohol on children, based on a researche in 3-year-old children. But though light drinking of alcohol may not be dangerous, there are many other factors which will affect the development of the baby while the mother is pregnant.


Title:Drawing the Line on Drug Testing
Date of publication: NOVEMBER 19TH, 2008

Drug addiction and alcohol consumption among teenagers are nowadays the most concerning worries of parents, schools and the whole society. But does the schools have right to test students on substance consumption and monitor their behavior at home? This controversial issue is dealt with in the article ‘Drawing the Line on Drug Testing’ published in The New York Times newspaper.
As many otherAmerican parents, Lynn Evelyn supports what’s called “suspicion-based testing”. That is, testing students if they appear to be impaired at school. In the course of a year the testing for drugs or alcohol have showned a reduction in positive results. But though she thinks that is a school’s right and responsability, she claims that more testing is an invasion of privacy. This has put her at odds with many shool officials of Basking Ridge that want to implement a random drug screening program. This program would test 15% of the students of Ridge High, (her daughter’s school), to monitor their behavior when they are not in school. Mr Gillikin, the school counselor, is surprised with the amaizing results that other schools have obtained with this method.
For Ms Evelyn this is parent’s responsibility, and she claims that the bigger problem is alcohol, not drugs. However, since 2002 it is a rule that schools randomly test students participating in sports and clubs. It has been implemented in 7% of the nation’s high and middle schools. New Jersey has taken an aggressive approach, which has reduced grately the positive results. In the case of Ridge High, any students wanting to play a sport, join a club or get a parking permit – about 80% of the students – would have to consent to random testing or would not be able to participate. The testings would be done once a week. Students testing positive would not miss school, nor would results appear on their transcripts. They would have to take part in counseling with their parents and miss two weeks from their team or club. Mr Gillikin also acknowledges that a school committee could find no academic research indicating that random testing reduces student drug use. Even more, a 2007 report by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended against testing because there has been little research on the effectiveness, and it can bree “distrust and suspicion” among students, school officials and parents. On the other hand, Ms Evelyn has unearthed a forgotten 2005 study done here, in which a substance abuse was identified but it was alcohol. The report said, it was particularly a problemamong athlets. Indeed, the district’s surveys of Ridge High students over the last decades have found the rate of alcohol abuse to be two to three times the rate of drug abuse. Asked about this, Mr. Gillikin said that they created a coaches, manual on alcohol and drug use to teach student-athletes healthy decision-making. He also said that they should perfect the random drug testing system first and then maybe take on alcohol.
I agree with the claims of Ms Evelyn that “this problem is a parent’s responsibility, not the school’s”. And also in what respects to random testing, when she says: “Any more testing is an invasion of privacy”. In contrast I disagree with Mr Gillikin, because he is making the blind eye to the main problem of the district that is, in fact, alcohol abuse. And also because random testing has not being proved to effectively reduce drug abuse.
To sum up, this article explains the pros and cons of drug testing at schools. The new method can be concidered invasive and useless. In my opinion monitorin students at school is necessary but selecting them randomly creates a sense of disgust and distrust among those who do not consume alcohol or drugs.


Title: Scientists' stem cell breakthrough ends ethical dilemma
Newspaper: The Guardian
Date of publication: March 1st, 2009

The prospect of creating limitless stem-cells for treating conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, paralysis and diabetes, without destroying human embryos, has moved a step closer.

Researchers in Britain and Canada have developed a new and safer way of turning the clock back on adult skin cells so that they acquire the versatile properties of embryonic stem cells, which does not rely on viruses that could trigger cancer.

The move would also resolve some of the ethical and practical problems that have held up embryonic stem-cell research.There is also a shortage of the human eggs and embryos needed to produce powerful stem cells, and unless difficult cloning techniques are used, there may be a risk of rejection by the body’s immune system.

Reprogrammed skin cells promise an almost limitless source of stem cells, and as they are the patient’s own rejection would not be an issue. A method of reprogramming human skin cells into a versatile embryo-like state was first developed in 2007 by Japanese and American teams.This procedure, however, is unsuitable for therapeutic use, because it involves modifying four key genes with viruses, and this risks inducing genetic abnormalities that could cause cancer.

Teams of the University of Edinburgh, and of the University of Toronto, have now collaborated to develop a new approach to creating IPS cells that does not involve viruses.

This would be a great advance in terms of sience and ethics regarding the historical controversial betweeen scientists and pro-life organizations that have been against the use of human embryios to experiment their projects.


Title: Divine Refuge in the storm
Newspaper: Newsweek
Date of publication: February 16th, 2009

When in crisis, a person almost has a plan B. Innately, a person tries to seek for protection. specially if we are going through an economic crisis. this refuge we are longing for to find sometimes can be found in mysterious ways. Why coulldn't we find an answer in GOD?
In the states, there has been an striking event. there has been an increase of a 10 per cent of enrollment in theological schools.
The need to re-evaluate things is one important cause of this phenomena to happen. Historically speaking, this event takes place after the disenchantament with socila, political institutions and coyuntural downturns. It seems these institutions seem reluctanSo, why not taking part of the clergy, maybe God can help see the right way...
This occurs actually in the States when in crisis. Yet, it must be said that many students who take the course as a career, fewer finally get the goal of becoming a ministry. The wide majority just gets engaged in charitable institutions nationawide so as to fulfill their internal and spiritual need of helping others.
Becoming a priest can be a solution not for critical period but it is more a vocation in our days when the clergy is frequently questioned by many cases of corruptions and abuse.t to give a proper answer to citizen's need.


Title: Rome's Reconciliation
Newspaper: Newsweek
Date of Publication: January 26th, 2009

The Pope, Benedict XVI, is multiplying the gestures of openness with Lefbvrists but he is receiving nothing in exchange.
On January 24th, Pope Joseph Ratzinger revoked the excommunications of four bishops illegitemately ordained by Marcel Lefbvre in 1988.
Lefebvre, a french priest who believed in the traditionalist ideas of he clergy, formed an order called Spirirts od St. Pious X. He strongly believed in the union between the church and political power from the medieval ages. He also opposed to the modern liturgy and to the right of religious freedoom. This schism took place at Vatican Council II in 1968 where these freedom of choice of creed, a new liturgy in the mass regarding the tripartite division of the Hole trinity was against his ideals of Traditional Catholicism. This was enough for Lefbvre and decided to continue on his own until the moment of his death where he ordained four bishops to carry on his work, without the authorization from the Vatican. Rome decided to excommunicate by participating in this schimatic act.
As a gift of peace in the hope of encouraging a rapid discussio and solution, the Pope Benedict XVI lifted these excomunications.
ASlthough this benevolent action from the Popee, Lefebvrists are far away of a possible agreement to return to the Vatican.