sábado, 14 de abril de 2007


I suddenly woke up in my sweated sheets. Once again, that nghtmare in which I found myself in the dark was there in my mind. The same nightmare occured throughout six days. In the seventh day, I woke up in the middle of the night. Once again, my body was covered by sweat. It was three o'clock in the morning. My large wet and damped room was in shadows. I couldn't see a thing. I sat in bed. Then, I realized my black leather sofa and my old books were there in their right place. But this time, there was something different in my room. There was something else. In fact, i did not expect her visit...Though, there she was, looking at me right to my eyes. Silent and even patient, she awaited for something. And it was then when she asked me: "Why are you surprised? I have already been announcing my presence". "What do you mean?", I answered.
-"In your dreams, my friend"
-"You aren't my friend!Who are you??"
-"You know who Iam" she uttered calmly.
I started to shake like a leaf and I also began to sweat more than I used to. Terrified as I was, I decided to keep silence. What caught my attention in that moment was the annormal way of sweating. My sweat was no longer sweat but blood. I screamed out loud. The noise hit the walls of my room and he corridor nearby which leads downstairs. It hurted a lot It was painful..I could feel it.She asked why I was so scared and why I was complaining about my pain if it had been my own decision to do it... to call her.
-"To call you? did I say sarcastically.
-"Yes, you did. If not, look at your right side and tell me what you see". There it was my penknife lying on my bed. I felt a bit dizzy. Without much physical strenght I tried to move but then I realized I couldn't but what I could do was to see my wounds in my wrists.
Exhaling the last bit of air my lungs had, she took my arm and said. "Come on, I's time". Then, all turned into darkness and eternal silence.

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