Elizabeth was sitting on a bnch in the park near Solitude lake. She was there alone looking at the few pedestrians passing by. the way they dresses has always caught their attention. They were dressed on bright but ridiculous colours: yellow red, green blue and orange; bright orange. it seemed as i the colours accompanied their gestures and movements. they were funny faces to look at. they were always smiling as if they were forced to do it. Suddenly, she saw a dog at a considerable distance from where she was sitting. It was a black dog. The animal was standing there looking at her. Then, the dog was coming towaards her slowly then more rapidly. Finally, the black dog ran towards her. It stopped in front of her and stayed there staring at her for a while.
then, the dog was not longer a dog, but an elephant which uttered the following words: "What are you looking at, Elizabeth?"
-"I'm watching how people act, move around and talk", said the girl.
The elephant said "Do you enjoy looking at people?"
-"Yes, of course. I like to see how the world moves on".
The elephant, as if he knew her since ages patiently said "Girl, you see the world YOU want to see, not the world you should take part of".
the girl almost angrier and about to brek in tears said "I love MY world. and what's that of being part of something I don't belong to?"
The elephant said: " Do as you wish but do not come later to see me and bother me with your pain".
"I have no pains", said the girl proud of her attitude. Many yellow leaves waved through the air because of the autumn breeze. she winked a bit. The elephant was not there anymore. it vanished away.
It was almost noon and elizabeth continued to be sitting in that bench in the park near solitude lake.
1 comentario:
I really like your story, Fer!
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