lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

REVIEW: 4-The joy of confidence

4-The joy of confidence

Newspaper: Joanna Moorhead
The Guardian, Wednesday 4 February 2009
When reaching their 40’s, women feel more confident hence they think they have gained enough experience through out their lives. More secure of what they want than ever, 40-year-old women do not doubt to say that their sexual life is in plenitude. This issue is fully described in the newspaper article “The Joy of Confidence” published on Wednesday 4th February, 2009 on the Guardian on line version. The article introduces the reader with a recent research which shows the importance of sex in forty something women due to diverse reasons.
One of these reasons is Confidence since at this age women have less insecurity while enjoying their intimacy at their most. The article gives the idea that younger women are more much likely to be obsessed wit their appearance, their weight and so in. In fact, this is true, younger women tend o have the eternal fear of gaining some pounds. But, a 40 year old woman does not mind her silhouette at all. Their interests go beyond physical appearance. They just need to feel their lives have sense and they quench their thirst of fulfilment through sex.
Other possible causes that provoke these changes on females in their 40s are hormones. Menopause and hence the hormonal unbalance on their bodies lead these women lead women to new changes in their attitude as well. The feeling of freedom is something really interesting to observe on them. The article suggests that every single woman has nurturing hormones but when women reach their 4s these hormones decrease. This lack of hormones in 40 year old women bodies is supplanted by the extreme sensation of being desired and hence replaced by having more sex tan ever.
Another possible reason is the feminist movement and its historic background. Nowadays, women reaching their forties do not always depend on their husbands. Their personal growth and professional realization have generally already taken place. Feminist advance o the labour market is also important factor to bear in mind. It’s more likely to find women who make much more money that their respective couples. This independency that has been accompanied by a new role they play in society make a great difference between the new generation and the generations of women who were tied to their husbands’ cooperation.
To sum up, the article suggests the women on their forties have the best sex of their lives due to diverse reasons; reasons that range from physical to psychological grounds.

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