lunes, 27 de julio de 2009


Title: Rome's Reconciliation
Newspaper: Newsweek
Date of Publication: January 26th, 2009

The Pope, Benedict XVI, is multiplying the gestures of openness with Lefbvrists but he is receiving nothing in exchange.
On January 24th, Pope Joseph Ratzinger revoked the excommunications of four bishops illegitemately ordained by Marcel Lefbvre in 1988.
Lefebvre, a french priest who believed in the traditionalist ideas of he clergy, formed an order called Spirirts od St. Pious X. He strongly believed in the union between the church and political power from the medieval ages. He also opposed to the modern liturgy and to the right of religious freedoom. This schism took place at Vatican Council II in 1968 where these freedom of choice of creed, a new liturgy in the mass regarding the tripartite division of the Hole trinity was against his ideals of Traditional Catholicism. This was enough for Lefbvre and decided to continue on his own until the moment of his death where he ordained four bishops to carry on his work, without the authorization from the Vatican. Rome decided to excommunicate by participating in this schimatic act.
As a gift of peace in the hope of encouraging a rapid discussio and solution, the Pope Benedict XVI lifted these excomunications.
ASlthough this benevolent action from the Popee, Lefebvrists are far away of a possible agreement to return to the Vatican.

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