martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007

Reading log

Name: Martín, María Fernanda
Title: Girls Are Often neglected Victims of Concussions
Source: New York Times
Date: October 2, 2007

1. Vocabulary:
2. concusión noun [C,U] a slight injury to the brain that is caused by being hit on the head and makes you feel tired or sick mild concusión
3. dizzy (FEELING) adjective feeling as if everything is spinning round and being unable to balance and about to fall down: Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-headed. I felt quite dizzy with excitement as I went up to collect the award.
4. dizzily Adverb. In a dizzy way or a way that makes you feel dizzy: The skyscrapers towered dizzily above us.
5. dizziness noun [U]
6. dizzying adjective causing you to feel dizzy: a dizzying display of acrobatics.
7. dizzy (FEELING) adjective feeling as if everything is spinning round and being unable to balance and about to fall down: Going without sleep for a long time makes me feel dizzy and light-headed. I felt quite dizzy with excitement as I went up to collect the award.
8. lingering adjective [before noun]lasting a long time: She gave him a long, lingering kiss. She's says she's stopped seeing him, but I still have lingering doubts. The defeat ends any lingering hopes she might have had of winning the championship.
9. blow (HIT) noun [C] a hard hit with a hand or a weapon: a sharp blow to the stomach
10. freshman noun [C] US 1 (INFORMAL frosh) a student in the first year of high school, college, or university: He's a freshman at Harvard. Greg and Jody met in their freshman year at college and married soon after they graduated. 2 someone who has recently started any particular job or activity:a freshman in Congreso a freshman football placer
11. tackle (SPORT) verb [T] (especially in football or hockey) to try to take the ball from a player in the other team, or (in rugby or American football) to do this by taking hold of the player and causing them to falltackle noun [C]
12. superimpose verb [T] to put especially a picture, words, etc. on top of something else, especially another picture, words, etc., so that what is in the lower position can still be seen, heard, etc:The book cover had a picture of a dove superimposed on a battle scene.
13. turf (GRASS) noun [C or U] plural turfs or ESP. UK turvesthe surface layer of land on which grass is growing, consisting of the grass and the earth in which its roots grow, or a piece of this which is cut from the ground and is usually rectangular.
14. the turf noun [S] the sport of horse racingturf verb [T] to cover a piece of land with turf
15. nerve-racking, nerve-wracking adjective describes something that is difficult to do and causes a lot of worry for the person involved in it:My wedding was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever experienced.
16. lay (NOT TRAINED) adjective [before noun] not trained in or not having a detailed knowledge of a particular subject: From a lay viewpoint the questionnaire is virtually incomprehensible. See also layperson at layman (NOT TRAINED).

Main ideas:
A survey shows that girls in high school when doing sports are more susceptible to concussions than boy.
Girls take longer for their symptoms to resolve and to return to play.
This is due to the massive female participation in sports.
The consequences can be fatal: brain injuries, dizziness, lethargy and the inability to concentrate.
There are reasons to support the hypothesis based in reality.
The bodies of males and females differ enormousy: girls’ neck muscles are less developed than boys, providing less shock absortion during the impact.
Parents prefer to snatch the dream of their children of becoming a successful sport figure at school instead of suffering the consequences of losing their children or part of theirs.

Personal Reaction:
When you think of high school sports concussions, whom do you envision getting banged up? Usually it is a strapping young football player-a male- isn’t it? But in sports, both girls and boys play such basketball and soccer, girls are more likely to suffer these dangerous brain injuries because they are more competitive than boys that is why girls sometimes take much longer to reover and get back on the field than boys.
What I find even more intriguing are the possible explanations behind the surprising stats. On the one hand, researchers point to biophysical phenomena -for instance, the fact that boys have stronger neck muscles and larger heads than girls, so they can tolerate stronger blows. But there is also a sociocultural explanation. The suspicion that girls tend to report their concussions symptoms more than boys. Is it fair for boys to be considered the tough when they can also result seriously injured?

Reading log

Name: Martín, María Fernanda
Title: Experts question Study on Youth Suicide Rates
Source: New York Times
Date: September 14, 2007

data group noun [U]information, especially facts or numbers, collected for examination and consideration and used to help decision-making, or information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer: The data was/were collected by various researchers. Now the data is being transferred rom magnetic tape to hard disk.
anti-depressant noun [C] a drug used to reduce feelings of sadness and anxiety:She's been on anti-depressants ever since her husband died. anti-depressant drugs
label (SIGN) noun [C] 1 a piece of paper or other material which gives you information about the object it is fixed to: Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases. Washing instructions should be on the label. 2 a word or a phrase which is used to describe the characteristics or qualities of people, activities or things, often in a way that is unfair: He seems to be stuck with the label of 'troublemaker'.
Label verb [T] -ll- or US USUALLY -l- [+ adjective] The parcel was clearly labelled 'Fragile'. If you spend any time in prison, you're labelled as a criminal for the rest of your life.
polarize, UK USUALLY polarise verb [T] to cause something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, to divide into two completely opposing groups: The debate is becoming polarized and there seems to be no middle ground.polarization, UK USUALLY polarisation noun [U] The polarization of society into rich and poor can clearly be seen in the city centres.
acknowledge verb [T] to accept, admit or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something: [+ ing form of verb] She acknowledged having been at fault.[+ that] She acknowledged that she had been at fault. You must acknowledge the truth of her argument. Historians generally acknowledge her as a genius in her field. [+ object + to infinitive] She is usually acknowledged to be one of our best artists. They refused to acknowledge (= to recognize officially) the new government. Please acknowledge receipt of (= say that you have received) this letter. He didn't even acknowledge my presence (= show that he had seen me).The government won't even acknowledge the existence of the problem.acknowledgment, acknowledgement noun [C or U] We sent her a copy of the book in acknowledgment of her part in its creation. I applied for four jobs, but I've only had one acknowledgment (= letter saying that my letter has been received) so far.acknowledgments, acknowledgements plural noun a short text at the beginning or end of a book where the writer names people or other works that have helped in writing the book
break (END) verb [I or T] broke, broken to destroy or end something, or to come to an end: Eventually someone spoke, breaking the silence. She laughed and that broke the tension. The enemy were unable to break the code (= understand it and so make it useless). She broke (= did better than) the record for the 5000 metres. Outside workers were brought in in an attempt to break (= end) the strike. They tried to break his will (= make him lose his control) but he resisted. He thought she would break (= lose her self-control) under the strain.break noun [C] when you end a relationship, connection or way of doing something:Their decision to not call their daughter Jane was a break with family tradition.
trial (PROBLEM) noun [C] a person or thing that is annoying and causes a lot of problems: She was a real trial to her parents when she was younger.The book is all about the trials of growing up.
placebo noun [C] plural placebos 1 a substance given to someone who is told that it is a particular medicine, either to make them feel as if they are getting better or to compare the effect of the particular medicine when given to others: She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that's the placebo effect. 2 something that is given to try to satisfy a person who has not been given the thing they really want:These small concessions have been made as a placebo to stop the workers making further demands.
prescribe (GIVE MEDICAL TREATMENT) verb [T often passive] (of a doctor) to say what medical treatment someone should have: The drug is often prescribed for ulcers. [+ two objects] I've been prescribed painkillers. prescribed adjective The patient was taking a widely prescribed sedative.prescription noun [C] a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs: a doctor's prescription. a prescription for sedatives. UK The doctor should give you a repeat prescription (= another piece of paper allowing more of the same medicine to be given, often without the person seeing the doctor again). These drugs are only available on prescription (= with a prescription from a doctor). Prescription charges (= the standard amount of money you pay for any medicine prescribed by a doctor) are rising in June.
conclusive adjective proving that something is true, or ending any uncertainty:They had conclusive evidence/proof of her guilt. a conclusive argumentNOTE: The opposite is inconclusive.

Main ideas:
Suicide rates for children and adolescents have increased due to the over use of antidepressants.
Discrepancy between Food and Drug Administration and experts beacuse of the stagnant number of prescriptions for anti-depressants in teenagers.
While some experts say FDA warnings on antidepressants scare away patients and doctors, the FDA suggets antidepressants increase youngsters’ suicidal thought and behavior
A third group suggets that a reduction in prescriptions may increase suicide among young people.
Dr. Gibbson, author of the journal article, said the study was temptative not a fact.
Suicides are personal events driven by different factors: break-ups, job loss lack of drug or psychiatric treatment, etc.
FDA based their research on data from drug makers’ clinical trends.
Psychiatrists with long experience using this medication in children say there are no risks at all.
Experts say the study illustrates why suicide trends are so difficult to understand
Reasearchers at Columbia University analysing data from 1990 to 2000 have found that fewer suicides took place with the increase of the use of antidepressants.

Personal Reaction:
It is not the fault on antidepressants. No, it is that some drugs are not approved for use on children or teeenagers, but some doctors prescribe them anyway. Furthermore, these drugs are also abused by youth, with users selling their prescription medications to classmates at school. There is a wide breach between medication and drug addiction.
Antidepressants must be prescribed by the doctor after a detailed study on the patient. If these antidepressants seem risky, its use has to be avoided. Now, the article recognizes that thses drugs can be safer for those who really need them.

Reading log

Name: Martín, María Fernanda
Title: The ambivalent Bond with a ball of Fur
Source: New York Times
Date: October 2, 2007

startle verb [T] to do something unexpected which surprises and sometimes worries a person or animal:She was concentrating on her book and his voice startled her. The noise of the car startled the birds and the whole flock flew up into the air. Her article on diet startled many people into changing their eating habits.
floor (CAUSE TO FALL) verb 1 [T] to hit someone and cause them to fall: He was floored with a single punch to the head. 2 [T often passive] INFORMAL to surprise or confuse someone so much that they are unable to think what to say or do next: I didn't know what to say - I was completely floored.
disrupt verb [T] to prevent something, especially a system, process or event, from continuing as usual or as expected: A heavy fall of snow had disrupted the city's transport system. The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.
disruption noun [C or U]The accident on the main road through town is causing widespread disruption for motorists.
disruptive adjective causing trouble and therefore stopping something from continuing as usual: His teacher described him as a noisy, disruptive influence in class.disruptively Adverb.
wad noun [C] a number of especially flat and/or small objects pressed tightly together:a wad of banknotes a wad of gum She used a wad (= a mass) of tissues to wipe away the blood.
insulate (PROTECT) verb [T] to protect someone or something from outside influences: Children should be insulated from the horrors of war.Until recently the country's economy has been insulated from recession by its reserves of raw materials.insulation noun [U]
craving noun [C] a strong or uncontrollable desire: I have a craving for chocolate.crave verb [T] Many young children crave attention.
dibs plural noun US INFORMAL dibs on sth a right to have or obtain something from someone, or to use something: Dibs on the front seat! Cablevision might have first dibs on buying the rest of the property.
surrogate adjective [before noun] 1 replacing someone else or used instead of something else: Because she had no children of her own, her friend's son became a kind of surrogate child to her. 2 surrogate (mother) a woman who has a baby for another woman who is unable to become pregnant or have a baby herself: She has agreed to act as a surrogate mother for her sister.
surrogate noun [C] For some people, reading travel books is a surrogate for actual travel.
surrogacy noun [U] the action of a woman having a baby for another woman who is unable to do so herself.

Main ideas:
Cleo was a cat that died of liver failure and her owner claims she is not surprised about her pet’s death.
Cleo’s owner remebers the time her father died and a pet helped her a lot.
The author says that she expects a bond to be bulit up between children, family and pets.
This bond should be simple and innocent.
Some people consider their pets good comapnions, that is why people are getting or buying more pets.
According to the American pet Products Manufacturers Association, 56% of american households have a pet.
We expect of pets to reach beyond the parochial barriers of the human race so as to attract public’s sympathy.
Scientists say we are in between of an ambivalence of feelings about animals.
On the other hand, we feel a connection to animals. On the other hand, we are always trying to show that we are not animals.

Personal Reaction:
I have been looking at the pet section this week. Now I see people with their outrages re-homing fees(selling your pet should just be wrong) but that is just my opinion, and I see people getting rid of their pets because it’s inconvenient or they suddenly have moved and can’t take their pets with them or they are having a baby and can’t be around pets.
I could go on all day with the reasons i have seen to get rid of their pet for losts of money... I have two loving dogs, Felipe and Penny and they are the light of my life. Pets offer us more than just being there. They share our living rooms, our couches and even our beds in some cases. They contributepositively to our mental and physical health. Some research suggests that the type of personality that is drawn to having an animal companionis different fromthe personalityof someone who doesn’t own a pet. As the article says pets are essencial for children’s love and an innocent relationship between human and nature.

Reading log

Name: Martín, María Fernanda
Title: Friends with benefits, and stress too
Source: New York Times
Date: October 2, 2007
sit around phrasal verb (UK ALSO sit about) INFORMAL to spend time sitting down and doing very little: We sat around most of the evening, waiting for Jake and drinking beer.
rerun verb [T] rerunning, reran, rerun to show a television programme, film, etc. again: The James Bond films are always being rerun on television.
rerun noun 1 [C] a programme or film that has already been shown before on television: This week's films are all reruns. 2 [C usually singular] something that happens or is done again: The Muslim RDR is demanding a rerun of last week's presidential poll.
fling (SAY ANGRILY) verb [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] flung, flung to say something angrily: They were flinging bitter accusations at each other. [+ speech] "I don't care what you think", she flung (back) at him.
stalk (FOLLOW) verb 1 [T] to follow an animal or person as closely as possible without being seen or heard, usually in order to catch or kill them: The police had been stalking the woman for a week before they arrested her.2 [I or T] to illegally follow and watch someone, usually a woman, over a period of time: He was arrested for stalking.3 [T] LITERARY If something unpleasant stalks a place, it appears there in a threatening way: When night falls, danger stalks the streets of the city.
stalker noun [C]a person who illegally follows and watches someone, especially a woman, over a period of time: Several well-known women have been troubled by stalkers recently.
innuendo noun [C or U] plural innuendoes or innuendos (the making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly: There's always an element of sexual innuendo in our conversations.
hang out phrasal verb INFORMAL to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone:You still hang out at the pool hall?I've been hanging out backstage with the band.
treacherous (NOT LOYAL) adjective MAINLY OLD USE A person who is treacherous deceives someone who trusts them, or lacks loyalty: Vargas plays the part of treacherous aristocrat who betrays his king and country. I feel a bit treacherous to my own sex if I ever make general criticisms of women.
10. treachery noun [U] FORMAL Corley said she was standing down as leader because of the treachery of her own colleagues.

Main ideas:
· The relationship in which close friends begin having sex are often called friends with benefits, or FWB.
· A recent study suggests that these typical friendships evokes a real friendship and openness.
· The research confirmed this through a poll among college students who admitted having had at least one such relationship.
· A professor at Arizona state University is surpriseed that these cuoples are afraid to develop feelings for the other .
· Just a few of these couples became full scale romances while the rest eventually broke it off.
· But there are also couples who are not really friends. They just end up wrapped around each other because they see now and then. People get passionately involved but they fear romance.

Personal Reaction:
“ Two good friends who have a sexual realtionship without being emotionally involved”, that is the definition for FWB.Are these kinds of relationships good or bad? Well, it depends on your own perspective.Although the article doesn’t make an explicit judgement call on the properness of FWB relationships, they seem to imply tha it’s fine as long as both people are aware of the potential downsides. The fear in a FWB relationship is that one person will become more invested in the relationship than the other person. That someone will fall in love and both the friendship and the sexual relationship will be ended. In my opinion, maturity is not taken by sleeping with a guy who is your friend. Where are the values? Ideas like this makes shake marriage as social institution.


Reading log

Name: Martín, María Fernanda
Title: In the dreamscape of nightmares, clues to why we dream at all
Source: New York Times
Date: October 23, 2007

1. schizophrenia noun [U]1 a serious mental illness in which someone cannot understand what is real and what is imaginary:paranoid schizophrenia. 2 INFORMAL behaviour in which a person appears to have two different personalities
2. outrageous adjective 1 shocking and morally unacceptable:The judge criticized the "outrageous greed" of some of the lawyers.[+ that] It is outrageous that these buildings remain empty while thousands of people have no homes. These prices are just outrageous (= much too high).2 describes something or someone that is shocking because they are unusual or strange: outrageous clothes/behaviour. an outrageous carácter
3. host (A LOT) noun a host of a large number of something: There's a whole host of reasons why he didn't get the job.
4. bogey man noun [C] (ALSO bogy man, US ALSO boogeyman)an imaginary evil person who harms children: Be good, or the bogey man will come and get you!
5. bawdy adjective containing humorous remarks about sex: bawdy humour/songs
6. bona fide, bonafide adjective real, not false: Make sure you are dealing with a bona fide company.
7. bona fides plural noun LEGAL good or sincere intentions.
8. ricochet verb [I] If a ball or bullet ricochets, it hits a surface and bounces away from it at an angle: The ball ricocheted off the goalkeeper and into the net.
9. ricochet noun [C] He was hit by a ricochet from a stray bullet.
10. splice verb [T] to join two pieces of rope, film, etc. together at their ends in order to form one long piece:Scientists have discovered how to splice pieces of DNA.
11. splice noun [C]a join between two pieces of something so that they form one long piece

Main ideas:
A person with a traumatic past may reactivate his trauma by having nightmares. Yet, bad dreams are universal human experiences.
A good reason why bad dreams offer us an insight into the architecture of our thoughts.
Most of our dreams are bad.
We spend 60 to 70 percent of sommonolence dreaming or in a dreamlike state called sleep mentation.
Nightmare frequency varies by age and sex.
Nightmare rates climb through adolescence , peak in young adulthood and then it begins to drop.
Women report having more nightmares than men.
Nightmares content also varies over time and across cultures for example arab women dream with their repression and submissive roles in their society.
The survey and research was based upon brain imaging devices. Scientists have begun identifying which regions of the brain are active during sleep and which are largely off line.

Personal Reaction:
All people, in every age and culture have suffered from these terrors at nights. Nightmares are normal and frequent in our lives. It is considered by many a sort of channel through which we put all our fears and traumas. The research gives interesting information about the age and gender propensity to have nightmares. Besides the different varieties of nightmares depend on the people’s cultures. I think nightmares are a blurred topic to discuss but interesting at the same time. Interesting enough to go on finding out something relevant and useful for people’s better understanding of this topic. It would be great to know why nightmares take place in our brains.

Reading log

Name: Martín, María Fernanda
Title: Marital Spats, Taken to Heart
Source: New York Times
Date: October 2, 2007
Main Ideas:
Arguing is an inevitable part of married life.
Yet, not all of us know that fighting with your spouse can affect your health.
Generally, women tend to bottle up their feelings during marital spat(self-silencing).
Specialists suggest that self-silencing may bring about depression, eating disorders and heart disease.
In utah, researchersa have videotaped 150couples arguing.
The results were categorized in different forms of arguing, ranging from being warm, submisive to hostileand controlliing.
Cardiovascular force increased. It also showed that arguing in a warm stly lower the couple’s risk of heart disease.

spouse noun [C] FORMAL OR LEGALa person's husband or wife: In 60% of the households surveyed both spouses went out to work.
nuance noun [C] a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc: The painter has managed to capture every nuance of the woman's expression. Linguists explore the nuances of language.
spat (ARGUMENT) noun [C] INFORMAL a short argument, usually about something unimportant: She was having a spat with her brother about who did the washing up.
toll (CHARGE) noun [C]1 a small amount of money that you have to pay to use a road, cross a bridge, etc: He's just got a job collecting tolls at the start of the motorway.2 US the money a long-distance telephone call costs: Is Bayonne a toll call (= a more expensive telephone call) from New York?tolled adjective MAINLY UK There are plans to build a tolled motorway (= one which you pay to use) around the perimeter of the city.
ensue verb [I] FORMAL to happen after something else, especially as a result of it: The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.ensuing adjective [before noun] happening after something and because of it: An argument broke out and in the ensuing fight, a gun went off.He lost his job and in the ensuing months became more and more depressed.
underlie verb [T] underlying, underlay, underlain to be a hidden cause of or strong influence on something: Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.
chequebook UK noun [C] (US checkbook) a book of cheques with your name printed on them which is given to you by your bank to make payments with
psychosomatic adjective (of an illness) caused by anxiety and worry and not by an infection or injury: a psychosomatic illness
hostile (UNFRIENDLY) adjective unfriendly and not liking or agreeing with something: a hostile croad. The President had a hostile reception in Ohio this morning.I'm not hostile to (= against) the idea of change as such.
Hostility noun [U] They showed open (= obvious) hostility to/towards their new neighbours.
Personal reaction:
Unfortunately, during my life I have witnessed marital spats. How should these people get on if they are arguing even for minimum things like what they want to eat? Sposes in the whole world should read this article together. Couples should know that they need to allow the other live a safe environment so as to express feelings when they are in conflict. At least, try it just for their own health and the health of the realtionship as well. Nevertheless, couples nowadays don’t seem to care much the health of their love.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007


Hater, frustration and luck of solidarity
Are the most common new “virtues” in this world.
“Why should I be kind and gentle?” a simple question frequently asked by those
Who enjoy the suffering of the victims, and the rejoice of blood and luck of brotherhood
Tired of being pulled a leg by many. I say o come on, wait up there.
I am a person who deserves respect
Of course I am not a vulgar as you,
I am just a lady who needs to be heard
I can’t ask you to do a lot but
Please try at least
To listen like the thieves in the corridors.
I am not to waste my time on you anymore, ladies
Your hypocrisy flows
Like the poison in a snake throat.
How can I love you all,
But I do just because of God.
I advise you ladies, leave me alone
I am happy in my own bubble of world.

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

The only one

A question of luck is it said to be
To find the true love in this pilgrimage.
Others say “destiny”
Should it care?
No gentlemen, the wind blows softly
And you have to feel it
So deep that it takes off your skin
And leaves the door open to love
And million kisses
In the dark.
I hunger for meeting him today.
Just in case, I won’t see him again.
My lover looks at me
As if we were performing "Romeo and Juliet”
There is no one else that can understand better
than yourself
Just by glancing
he knows I’m in hell


You are the only one who
Makes sense in my life
The only one who helps me breathe
Who inspire me go on with this
Who knows that my words pay tribute to your spirit.
Please, touch my heart again
I want it, I need it now.
I beg you to take me into your world
Where centuries of lonely stars can run.
It’s just to accompany you
In the long track.
My love, I told you once
“There is no passion greater than the one that touches the sun”
Inside your prison
I pray to stay and rest
Beyond the largest sea
I hope to sit in the paradise
I’ll wait until night comes.


I love you more than the warmth
Of the tender hand of a mother on her child’s face.
There are no flowers in spring
If I can’t be with you today.
I love you more than all virtues in this world
You mean much more to me
That someone I may want.
Your love is so strange that I realized that you enjoy carving
Your name in my heart.
Now, I ask you: “Is it funny?”
It seems it is.
I can tell you babe,
I am a wrecked ship in the sandy shore
So, please don’t you ever-ever leave alone.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007

To my Dearest Students:

To my Dearest Students:

Whenever your yearnings come to an end
And no one is around.
You, student must take into account
That is not easy to forget
The person who taught you a whole year
The one who pretended to make you understand what was better
For you in many cases.
Maybe in years,
Maybe never,
But believe me a teacher can not be forgotten EVER-ever.
They are the ones who guided you,
who helped you whenever it was necessary .
Our school is our second home
Our teachers our dearest parents
Why don’t you respectfully say them hello
And forget about resentments and troubles?

Your school my school you are to my thoughts
As food to life or as daffodils and dust to the ground.
Fernanda Martin

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2007

Violence at school

Most of violent crimes committed by juveniles occur on school days. Many students report carrying a weapon in school. But, why? Many say that it is because of the horrifying crimes, rapes, and assaults that are taking place at different schools. Many people equate school violence with large urban areas: however, violence has invaded suburban and rural schools as well. Not only public schools, but also private schools are also invaded. Guns in schools have increased to the point that nobody is asure to go back home.
A teacher in Leales, Tucuman told me her students don’t want to the school toilets since many girls were raped there. So the girls take with the “something” just in self-defence in case they go to the school toilets. The juvenile offenders are sometimes fellow students, and other times non-student peers, who threaten and attack students, administrators and teachers.
‘I am afraid of going to work at school. I don’t know what is the “surprise” may await me and my students’, a teacher said once. Government and society as a whole should check up security control over schools as well on the students who must be taught and advise about the misfortune guns or knives may have when taken to school whether or not it is just for self- protection.
On their part, schools are part of the community and reflect the events of our whole society so the best they can do is to protect the students so to reduce violence.


Censorship on the Internet is a very controversial issue. Many agree that censoring violates the Amendment of free speech. Yet many also believe that it is the government’s duty to censor to protect children and teenagers from any sort of psychological trauma or harm. Some people suggest that local governments should educate their respective communities as regards the liberties when using the net . Does freedom of speech include pornography and “obscenity”? Some argue that obscenity is a matter of opinion and it cannot be defined. So what about the children? Should they be subject to obscenities and pornography?
People opposed to Internet censorship argue that it is a parent’s job to supervise what web sites their children are going to. But parents argue that it is almost impossible to always be there to watch their children, especially for single parents and families where both parents work.
Unfortunately, obscenities and pornography are not all of the harmful material on the Internet that children can access. There are sites on how to make a bomb, how to hi-jack a car, and how to use a gun, among other delinquencies.
Another chance to solve this situation of censorship would be to filter rubbish information on people’s computer system so that this filter can block children from gaining access to any web sites that include categories like XXX pages. However, it must be mentioned that this blocking program makes it almost impossible for students to do sophisticated research projects on the Internet. I think that if parents feel the need to keep their child away from the dangers of the Internet, they can use a filtering program on their computer. Censoring the Internet for children is not as big a problem as a lot of people make it out to be. The Internet can be a very safe and helpful resource for children to learn and research.


Violence is everywhere. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these is a major source of violence. In many peoples' living rooms there sits an outlet for violence that often goes unnoticed. It is the television, and the children who view it are often pulled into its realistic world of violence scenes with sometimes devastating results.
Research shows that it is definitely a major source of violent behavior in children. The research proves time and time again that aggression and television viewing do go hand in hand. The truth about television violence and children has been shown. Some are trying to fight this problem. Others are ignoring it and hoping it will go away. Still others don't even seem to care. However, the facts are undeniable. The studies have been carried out and all the results point to one conclusion: Television violence causes children to be violent and the effects can be life-long. The information can't be ignored. Violent television viewing does affect children. The effects have been seen in a number of cases. Some children think they are Spiderman or another super hero and can cause an unfortunate situation. Or when watching an action film just by learning how and where to hit or kick. These are certainly some examples of how television can affect the child.
Not only does television violence affect the child's youth, but it can also affect his or her adulthood. Some psychologists and psychiatrists feel that continued exposure to such violence might unnaturally speed up the impact of the adult world on the child. This can force the child into a kind of premature maturity. As the child matures into an adult, he can become bewildered, have a greater distrust towards others, a superficial approach to adult problems, and even an unwillingness to become an adult
Also the children find the violent characters on television fun to imitate. Children do imitate the behaviour of models such as those portrayed in television, movies, etc. They do so because the ideas that are shown to them on television are more attractive to the viewer than those the viewer can think up himself.
Perhaps the most important way to prevent children from watching television violence is to stop it where it starts. The parents should step in and turn the set off when a violent program comes on. The parents are the child's role models from which he learns. If he can learn at an early age that violence on television is bad, then he can turn the set off for himself when he is older.

My friends

My parents view about gays sometimes disappoints me. My best friends are gays. They are great. Why should I deny my friendship to them? Of course, I may never follow my parents’ retrograde ideas about who to consider “good people”. Come on, It not all on how you look like! But, it is who you are and how authentic a person can be! And believe me they are the most sincere ones when something happens to me or to them. I have always found my same sex more attractive so it’s hard to judge their likes or dislikes. I just can tell you can trust on them a lot. As other people may trust o their best friends. I am not trying to say that I trust on gays but I trust on my friends. Because that is what they really are!
I grew up as a young child with a strong rooted based belief of Roman Catholicism and that played a good part in my way of seeing life at the very beginning. I hated people different from me whether it was related to sex, or ethnicity. You see… I was not a “good Christian at all”. Years passed and I started to change my way of thinking…thanks God.!... Many doors opened to me, work, studies, and independence. So I met other people from different regions, from different backgrounds. And there, I met these beautiful people who taught me a lot about life and friendship. My questions here is why is it so hard for society to accept them? And why does the gays and lesbians have to hide from everyone else? A positive thing here is that gays and lesbians in Argentina are no longer iding as it was used to a decade ago. Quite the opposite they show their feelings freely.I tell our society that today the Gay and Lesbian community make up OUR AND YOUR SOCIETY. Hey, brothers accept them! Give them a chance to live.
Do you think a gay person has the chance to change back to a heterosexual person again?! why should they change the way their lifestyles when you don’t want to adapt to changes?


All the things that give you a chill down your back, or hide under your covers at night. Every individual has their own fear, but we all seem to get fears from our nightmares. According to some experts, people’s dreams represent what they wish for. Different feelings such as fears, hopes, and stresses spring out in dreams or nightmares. Sometimes it seems that you can not wake up, or you do but you live the terrifying life of your nightmare that is if you do not die in the process.
Maria de Todos los Angeles was a girl in her twenties who has been having weird experiences lately. She heard voices everywhere. She couldn’t quite make out her surroundings, nor could she stay without the company of her parents who encouraged her to forget the voices. But, she couldn’t stop this. The voices asked her to help them find the truth. “the truth of what?”, the girl said. Maria de Todos los Angeles felt her heart beating faster as the voices approached to her even more closely towards her ear. She tried to calm down but something inside wouldn’t let her. She suddenly found her self among sweated sheets in her bedroom. Juana, her sister, said: “Don’t worry Maria, I am here with you”. Suddenly sounds came from downstairs. Both sisters came down the stairs just in case. Nobody was there. Only PIPI the sisters’ black cat. Then voices of people filled the air as Maria run upstairs grabbing her sister by her arm.” Have you heard?” said Maria. “Yes, who were they?” answered Maria’s sister. “They are the dead people who want me to help”. “To help? Doing what!?” The girls hurriedly looked around and decided to make contact with these voices right that moment so that everything could take its right order. Making her way to the bathroom, she heard them talking there. The girls turned on the light, and stood in terrifying fear in front of the mirror. On the mirror, people covered with blood were waiting the girls’ help. The last thing heard was the slamming of the door of the bathroom.Maria’s nightmare was coming to an end.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2007

Silence in my soul

Have you forgot all sense of place and duty?
My conscience once said
I am ashamed of myself.
I can not write good things
not those what the Master wants.
He is cool and reserved
but I don't know what to do to improve
my reading and writing skills.
Very well then ,I thought, I am not drunk now;
I am only insane
I can speak well, well enough may I say
but my writing skills sucks even till yesterday.
May I fell unworthy of my place after ten years of martyrdom
I try to reborn again.
may I complete my task on earth?
I bleed still
I am hurt to death...
ah..and don't post commentaries about my mental health

Comment after watching the film “Erin Brockovich”

The pollution of water can still be regarded as one of the most controversial issues among environmentalists. For the past decades, water pollution has been paid closer attention to. So high was the interest in water poisoning that even films have appeared. Erin Brockovich is one of them. Based on true facts, this movie captures the consequences of water contamination in Hinkley, California. Water pollution encourages scientists to consider the key causes and plausible effects on men’s lives.

On the one hand, many causes can be mentioned. Some of these reasons are fertilizers used in agriculture, toxic waste and pollutants emitted by power stations and by industries. These factories discharge poisonous effluents and chemicals on rivers, lakes and streams. Take the case of the PG and E industry which uses hexavalent chromium as industrial cleaner in its machinery and containers. These last ones did not have an adequate protection. Hence, the chemical substances filter through the different layers of the soil, contaminating underground water and making it unfit for human consumption.

Furthermore, Hinkley residents have fallen sick and some of them have gone terminally ill. This is due to the fact that most Hinkley residents rely on this water for drinking, swimming and bathing. In this way, Hinkley’s inhabitants have contracted incurable cancerigenous illnesses which are passed on genetically. Besides damage to human’s health, water contamination may also affect the whole environment, including animals and plants. The arable lands turn into contaminated sandy soils. Consequently, domestic agricultural production falls and a shortage of food supply follows. Food sources also involves a decrease in number of farm animals since they are the first ones to feel the environmental impact. Farm animals like people have gone sick and then they die.

All in all, it must be said that water pollution is a current environmental topic nowadays. The relevance of this subject is based mostly upon the damage on man’s health. A very-well-illustrated fact that shocked the public opinion is the remarkable true story of PG and E Company which ruined Hinkley residents’ lives, from environmental problems to human’s health.

Our thoughts

How brief the life of man is,
Many fellows wonder about…
Go and live life as fast as you can
Others say.
Why can’t it be a desert if it is unpeopled of what one really wants?
How can you show me your right cheek
and forget your heart?
How heavens! Should I know
the different hearts and chests that I will touch?
I preferred to be heard
than to be alive.
Whatever men may judge me I am happy what I am.
Nobody gets what I don’t want
Men do their part
But, what can they do without us?
May they buy more than a pet o race in red sport cars??
Are they aware about what this can in chance result?
Nobody knows what they are thinking about.
They have the ability to praise you while seeing a good buck.
Nature leads us to react, so don’t worry
Just let the thing to go around.

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2007


Chorus announced his death
Near my town
The old voices commented on
The funeral was near my house
“It’s Antony who passed away”
Said a curious
He tried by any means be brave.
He sweated blood,
Four knives on his throat
A scarlet ink bathed his neck
And nobody was there to wonder
Whether was misfortune or accident.
Nobody saw anything
Not even the virgin
I ask you Antony:
Who killed you?
A dead voice answered: the once who betrayed my soul
Who envied my love?
“Your love?”
“The love for others and the purity in my soul”
The rest was silence in my mind and heart.

My garden

Hidden among walls made of stone
This garden offers me
Trees’ branches and fresh water
With an exquisite and delicate perfume
Flowers’ essence is on the air
I take a deep breath
How silent it is! Could the world be like this?
Clouds catwalk on the sky
The breeze far away gently touches the leaves of the trees.
Yet, the time urges us to move on
To grow up and
To escape in company of roses’ petals.
The fresh air comes back
With the night
With the stars as if forgetting
My own sensation of inner peace.

To God

I am gonna be whatever you want, my Lord
Whatever you need
If you want me to laugh in a thorny field,
I will
If you want to blind me,
You can
But what other things have you prepared to me?
Since I am already blind because I don’t want to face fate
I am already alone
Since I outlived darkness many times.
Isn’t it enough torture?
I want to change
I want to cry
I want to feel
The pure sky
On my skin
I die, I rest
Then I resurrect.

My generation

Money and material things go hand in hand
Love just for those who sigh
Crusaders make wars
Muslims want more
Many things are taken as generalizations
Things that we don’t see in our generations
To become degenerations
In a world of faked confessions
Should I write more about ignorance?
Shall you grant me your pardon?
Since I accuse you of being an ignorant and liar
Don’t be silenced
Don’t run away
Since the snake
Has already injected its poison
In its favourite apple
In you and I.


War in any dictionary jeans a situation in which two or more countries or groups of people who fight against each other over a period of time. Consequently, we can assume that war is provoked by humans’ intervention rather than nature itself. The period of time a war lasts can vary, ranging from months to decades or even centuries. Malvinas’ war just lasted a few months but this s time was more than enough to prove the terrible effects the war had on soldiers in both bands.
The battle lasted two months. Many people were killed and these human lose destroyed many families. Hundreds of handicapped and psychologically ill soldiers returned to their respective countries with the burden of having faced death, cold and hunger pangs.
However, in my country veterans were easily forgotten by Government and society in general. If you don’t believe me, try to ask teenagers about the war.
Any war is a damage caused by and against humans’ lives where there are no winners but just losers. As John Lennon said, “Imagine all the people Living life in peace”

Terrorism in Northern Africa:

How Terrorism is defined?
In any dictionary terrorism is meant as any sort of violent action for political purposes. This concept is not far away from Northern Africa’s reality. Countries such as Morocco, Mauritia, and Argelia are the main training centres for jihadists who recruited themselves as volunteers. In the past 12, April, Two suicide attacks hit the Moroccan city of Casablanca. Why are these attacks also perpetrating in an Islamic region? And what for?
The whole world’s security had been tested and thereafter, shaken after September 11, the bombing in the UK and then the attack on the Spaniard’s rail ways. The responsible were activists from the group Al-Qaeda and some religious fanatics. The ones committing suicide in Morocco belong to the extremist group known as the Salafist group for Preaching and Combat which has recently joined to Al-Qaeda to fight against the Pro-US government in the region. The GSPC are not the only ones who share the same anti-American ideology. Groups like Amsar Almehdi, the Islamic Salvation front (ISF) and many others but fewer as regards membership are also involved in many attacks against the USA and European targets. The ISF led Argelia to insurgency since 1992 when the army cancelled any sort of participation in elections of this Islamist party are also involved in many attacks against the USA. Furthermore, the whole picture got even worse after the Bejaia Operation, led by the USA and Local government, in which important leaders of Al Qaeda in the Maghreb were surrounded. The local government granting of pardon leaves the door open to new terrorists’ attacks. And finally the lack of identity perceived in many young men and women who had left their respective countries to study in Europe where they feel to belong to nowhere. All the information mentioned carries on an increase of Al Qaeda’s power and ideology. Al Qaeda is a net of network. What’s that? Al-Qaeda has the support of almost every Islamic country without considering those living in the “Crusaders’ countries”. The young people living abroad, in Europe and the USA are the majority of the recruiters for immolation and mass attacks. What’s more in Morocco and Algiers he police and armed forces are also involved with suicide bombing. Yet, Morocco’s governmental worry is to stop with the rumours of such dangerous relations between power and terrorism. That’s what, Morocco’s government abolished the obligatory military service so as to deny the chance extremists had to learn about weapons at the expense of the state.
All in all, northern Africa has increased the number of “succuessful2 terrorists. Well trained and communicated among their terrorist cells, the Salifi extremists are some of the products of history and political aspects. Yet, it must be said that they are responsible for the decreasing of respect and prestige of more than one billion Muslims living all around the world.

Phobias:a research on me...


A phobia is a strong persistent fear of situations, objects, activities or persons. The main symptom is the unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Psychologists classify most phobias into three categories: Social, Specific and Agoraphobia. Depending on the different types of phobias, there are forms of treatment that help patients to lose that excessive repulsion to the thing feared.
Social phobias have to do with fears involving other people or social situations such as performance anxiety or fears of public embarrassment. Specific phobias relates to fears to a single specific panic triggered by spiders, dogs, elevators, water, etc. And finally, Agoraphobia which is described as a generally fear of leaving home. But, it is not just a matter of classifying phobias. Quite the opposite, phobias vary in severity among individuals. Some only suffer only mild anxiety. Others suffer panic attacks without the chance to override their panic reaction.
Some therapists use virtual reality to desensitize patients to the feared entity. Others are helped by important doses of medications, even hypnosis. This last one can teach a person teach to be comfortable with the thing feared.Doctors are trying to help patients to re-educate their conscious mind to relax keeping a healthy reaction and losing the panic progressively


Reading a piece of information about Argentina’s history, an article caught my attention. It was about an anti-hero for the Argentina’s history: Juan Manuel de Rosas.

Juan Manuel Ortiz de Rosas was one of the most controversial and nefast figures in Argentina’s history. He had been in power for over 20 years. He was a landowner, a military and the leader of a-still-not-fully-unified country. Rosas represented both the man who wanted the consolidation of territory by any means, and also the bloodthirsty when executing his opposition. Some historians suggest that his traumatic childhood made of him the sort of man he used to be.

Rosas used his capacities and knowledge so as to demonstrate his authority to Argentinean society. As a land holder Rosas was an able administrator of his mother’s land; he knew how to maintain a harmonious relationship with both aborigines and small farmers who worked under his orders. His European education and his good looking but authoritative personality made him the tough man who inspired respect and fear. Rosas learnt how to make money and how to manipulate people by using his status and charisma. This fact is clearly shown by Rosas’ designation as Military Commander-in-chief and then, as Governor of Buenos Aires.

Once he became a politician, he did not measure the damage he caused by using violence to get what he wanted. Rosas favoured the centralization of power by naming himself “El Restaurador” and he also promoted the state terrorism carried out by the Federal Organization best known as “La Mazorca”.

According to some historians, Rosas developed that evil personality due to his traumatic childhood. It is said that his aristocratic education was influenced by moral values transmitted by the Spanish Inquisition. These orthodox teachings were well taught to him by his mother. Some yellow versions say that she obliged the Restaurador to serve her breakfast in her room while e had to enter the room kneeling. If something went wrong in the estancia, he was whipped in front of his employees.

Not only did Rosas rule with iron hand to fulfil his expectations, but also he had a dreadful past that might have condemned him through out his life. His aristocratic education was influenced by moral values transmitted by the Spanish Inquisition. These values were well taught to him by his mother. Some say she obliged him serve her breakfast in her room while Rosas had to enter there kneeling. “El Restaurador” was also whipped by his mother up to the age of eighteen. Historians together with psychologists support the idea that he had turned in to the evil man he was due to his traumatic familiar life idealized by a possessive mother.

sick love

Sick love
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you, I need you
That is how I want life.
I a want it with you having nearby,
next to me, With me
Sometimes I think you leave me
For a long time then, you return
No matter the distance
And spaces between us
But truly love and stars.
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that my heart goes on
Leaping For the stubborn guy
That touched my soul.
Once more I open the door
I tried to forget your affairs
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on
as your tender hand supports mine.
Passion can touch us many times,
but love once,
It seems it lasts for ever, for a lifetime.
Don’t worry baby,
Don’t run
I am here to love you
And never let you go till we're one
Love is devotion to your photos
Or cryimg when you are away
No matter what the others may say.
One true time we’ll be together
Holding both hands and
many kids in the backyard
Don’t worry love
I will be there to help you
In my life we'll always go on with this relation.
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that your heart belongs to me
Once more I open you the door
To lie with me
here in my heart where rhymes and fellings hit.
You're here with me,
there's nothing I fear,
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe by my side
it was not my intention to kill ya’

sábado, 23 de junio de 2007

Home sweet home (part 3)

Mr Johnson heard the threats of the mad man. He decided to call the police as soon as possible. He was doing so when he heard his children screaming. He ran upstairs. John the youngest of his sons was the one who screamed and he was awake. The child asked to his father: “What is happening to us dad?”
-“Nothing, my love. Everything will be alright. Don’t worry. Papa will fix this up”.
-“Why were you discussing with that man, dad? I am afraid of him”
-“Don’t worry. I phoned at the police station”.
The police arrived and found Mr Johnson sitting in a sofa in the living room. They asked what had happened. Mr Johnson told about the encounter with this strange man. The police officers asked Mr. Johnson if he had ever seen that before in his life. He said he didn’t. They were in this when he heard a blood-curdling scream in the forest.
-Oh gosh the children!
The police and Mr Johnson searched and searched for them but nothing was found not even in the house neither in the forest.
The police took Mr. Johnson to the town’s jail because he was the only there when the children disappeared. Many rumours that Mr. Johnson had hired the services of a professional murderer to kill his family circulated in town and thus receive a lump sum of $2 million dollars.
The police were still looking for some clues in the home surroundings when a letter was found and it said:
DAD: Why did you discuss with HIM?
We are all afraid. He controls us. He says he is our dad and he promised that we could see mom soon.
XXX Your children
The bodies of the children were found in the borest near their home.They lied near a tomb of a man who had been buried there too. This man died twenty years ago. There was a picture of the man who resembled to the stranger at the johnson's door. In the picture, there were a family: a man with an astray look,a woman and two children. Mr. Johnson's children.

Home sweet home(part 2)

The police was at Johnson’s home by the time the children arrived at the atrocious scene. Mr. Johnson could not believe the situation. His wife’s body was there lying on the floor with her skull completely destroyed. The mysterious thing was that no one saw anything, any strange event. Even rarer was the fact that money, jewels and valuable pictures were at the house. It seems that the burglars were not looking for money or material things.
The police eyes were upon Mr. Johnson; but he had been in town working. There were witnesses who could confirm this.
Blood was spilled all over the room. The police took some blood samples so to be tested. The DNA was unknown.
The police went away. Mr. Johnson stayed close with his children who were traumatically shocked. They were about to go to bed when there was somebody knocking at the door. Mr. Johnson answered it. It was a man around his thirties. Covered with mud, dirty and barefoot, the man seemed not normal. His look was astray. He seemed confused. He told Mr Johnson he had news about Mr. Johnson’s wife.
-“Are you kidding? Aren’t you?”
-“No, I am not.” answered the man with the astray look.
-“What kind of sick joke is this?" shouted Mr. Johnson furiously.
The stranger began to laugh and gave Mr Johnson the creeps.
-“Get out of here, you bloody maniac!
Te man who was outside kicked at the door and said: “This is my house and you are taking a place it is not yours!” “They are my children! I promise you I will be back and they will be with me you like it or not.”

lunes, 18 de junio de 2007

Home sweet home(part 1)

It was autumn, the leaves of the trees were coloured in brown, yellow, ocre and red in a pine forest near Canada. The beautiful landscape was surrounded by mountains in which snow covered the main peaks.
Mrs Johnson has just arrived to her house after being buying goods in the nearest town's store. Her children were at school and her husband at the fishing factory in town.
Alone at the spacious house, Mrs Johnson started preparing the lunch. A small noise came from outside. She did not pay too much attention to it but then the noise turned louder and even closer to the Johnson's.
She stopped dicing the carriots. She found herself shaking. Then,Mrs Johnson heard the slam of the back door. Steps followed, someone else was at the house. She took the knife with her. Walking towards the living room, she saw nobody. She croosed the room. Now she heard the steps upstairs. Her heart leaped faster and faster. She ran up te stairs and found the door of her sons' room slightly opened. She pushed it open but nobody was in.
Mrs Johnson released her breath. She turn around to go back to her daily routines when a sudden hit smashed her skull into pieces.


This young lady is a great student but mainly, a great woman and a friend. I met her giving examinations at college. She offered me the wisiest advice. "don't harm yourself. It's bad for you and your health. They don't deserve seeing you inthat way". She encouraged me in the moment I needed most.
My addiction to Prozac as well as my depression was latent, increasing. Studies were not ok that year. We both studied together in our homes. Now we met twice a month. The last time I saw her was a Saturday. She told me she was worried. Her period was delayed almost two weeks. She was worried but happy at the idea of her pregnacy since she loves her boyfriend. The problem was that that week before, they had a silly quarrel without reaching an agreement. This open end makes her feel uncomfortable and insecure about her feelings towards her couple.
"But if pregnant, she said, I want to have that baby".
"It's the best decision. Don't ya remember the time you told me you didn't want me to harm myself?" I said.
"Well Iam now telling you the same. Don't do stupid and childish things. Just keep the babay with you and as regards Julious, ask him what the matter with him really is."
"Yes, you are right. I will ask himwhat is wrong"
"That is my girl"
In cse he tells me he wants to split with me. I will have the baby the same
Of course, You HAVE TO.
She smiled and kissed me tenderly. She took the bus and I haven't seen her till this morning.
"My friend, I fix the things up with Julious and Iam not pregnant. What a pitty"



The old man listened to the radio. His eyes sparkled in the dark. The song makes him remind his mother when she cooked. The old woman was my grandmother. She had a sad short life. And considering her sudden fait, I don't want the same.
She was a child when her biological parents sold her to a couple who were merchants in Santiago del Estero.
She recieved education at school. When teenager, she and her new family all moved to Tucuman where she met a spanish immigrant with whom she married. My grand father worked in a supermarket. With him my grandma had nine children, one of them died at the age of three of sudden death. Years passed to knowledge that sudden deah was part of my family genes.
As I was saying; My grandma had nine children. When she was to have the last baby, she died of pneumonia.
Her children were lmost abandoned to the good will of the family's closest friends and neighbours. My grandfather was so depressed and devastated that he ended up being an alcoholic. His children haunted the house since they were as pale and white as sheats.
Some of them started to work and left school. Some others grew up in their neighbours' homes and thus, received education quite well. While some other just went far away to find better opportunities in other places.
The children have never been together to each other. They don't know each other. They dont know if they are still alive or not.


I had only one love in my life
But he disappointed me.
I offered him my life
But he laughed at this.
I gave him my heart
But he kicked it.
I told him he was the only one
While he didn’t.
I offered him desperate sunsets
But he ignored them.
I gave him the sadness of a woman
Who has looked at the lonely moon for centuries
Yet, he discarded my feelings.
I tried to tell him how deep I loved him
By being loyal when I have never been
However, he didn’t mind.
He crushed my heart and soul in that empty street.

It was in October
You lied, you fake,
You disguise your love
A phone call was enough to know
That that was the end.
The end of my own happiness and future.
Can’t you see I’m still broken?
Can’t you worry just a bit?
Years have passed
But my love is the same.

I know you are going out
With the same girl you met before me
Why weren’t you sincere enough
To say that our love was just a game?
I was shocked at the news
That your dad was dead
I sent you a message
Just to show you some respect
And what did you sent me back?
A stupid answer saying
Don’t regret,
I am happy with my princess, at this state.
I cried day and night
Your heart never moved
Not even at the noise of my tears
neither at the bitternes of my soul
Yet, I ask to myself
Is it possible to go on?
I refuged myself in books
I tried to travel faraway
but this ghost never lets me rest.


Words have no wings, yet they fly
Words have no legs, yet they run
Words have no heart, yet they feel
Words have no voice, yet they forgive
words have no limits, have you?

Celebrities should be allowed to keep their lives private

When speaking about the private life of public figures, an entire society gets acquainted with the stars’ intimacy because of the interference that the media has over their lives. More often than not, stars private lives are put on display by the mass media. Due to this situation, heated debates are generated on whether celebrities should keep their private lives private or they should share their personal matters with the public opinion.
On the one hand, it is essential to differentiate the role fro the person. To get information about someone’s job is not a problem, but to get into someone’s privacy really is. Although their work is to interact with people, to appear in magazines’ covers, to take part in TV programmes, there is no need for them to bear up gossiping, criticism, or detailed commentaries about their personal matters. In effect, the media places undue emphasis on private affairs, a fact which can cause difficulties in celebrities’ lives. Without the media’s intervention, fewer problems of these well known people may arise.
On the other hand, public figures are considered models to be followed. They are supposed to live by certain social codes which may control the way they deal with people. In addition to this, it can be mentioned that most artists break these social conversations, maskerading a model they are not. Besides, it can be said that some celebrities need to hide their mediocrity by using foul means, that is to say, while being the centre of attention in different programmes; celebrities believe they are on the road to success.
Taking everything into consideration, it can be said that public figures’ jobs and private lives are continually displayed by the media. Once the media gives information about these celebrities, some parts of society take them as paradigms of success.

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2007

At War

In the city, the pieces of building wreckage were spread in the front of the main square, the tower of the old cathedral outlived after the wartime bombing.
The child, hidden from the Arians, was peeping what was going on down in the street from the bell tower.
The massacre of many Jews had taken place the day before the artillery bombardment. He saw how her mother and sisters were executed at the entrance of the cathedral.
The child decided to go down and check whether he could find someone alive who might help him. He found nothing but the decaying corpses were sprawled on the streets. There seem to be no soul in the small town.
He was looking for some food when he saw and old priest who , by the way, took the child with him.
They both walked for hours until they arrived to a parish in the French countryside. Situated near a lake but without any house around, the small stone made building had few benches and a main altar made of wood. The altar hid a secret: a corridor and a chamber where to conceal in case of danger. The cross carved in the altar’s wood was to be pressed on so as to open the secret chamber.
Months passed, the Germans were approaching in the way to the church. The child and the priest decided to cache in the chamber. They heard the soldier’s steps and smelt the thick black smoke coming from the haze resulted from the burning of the altar’s wood.
The smoke was unbearable. The priest began to talk to the child about his hopes: I want to be with God, you know?
- “I want to be with my family Sir. I want to go home”, the child said.
They were saying this when they saw a wheat field. Far in the distance the child could notice his mother and sisters. He runs towards them
-“My son we have been waiting for you. Why the delay?” She looked at the priest and smiled.
- “Thanks father for taking care. Now, He is waiting for your presence”

Thus, the priest and the child’s body were lying in the secret chamber in the remote French countryside near a lake.

At The Doctor’s

I am waiting for the doc to arrive and then to pass judgements on my negligence that I have with my own body.
There a lot of people here. People I don’t know. Most of them have a deteriorating state of health. Although this picture alters me a bit, I am optimistic about the outcome of the healing of my spine injury.
I feel great just tired of visiting one doctor to another one. My friend recommended this Doctor to me. I hope my friend is right. He told me this Doctor is a master in the subject.
Great! It is my y turn now. The doc invites me to take my seat. I explain him that two doctors have already diagnosed me with osteoporosis in my spine. H e asks me to do some analyses and then to go back to his consulting room as soon as possible. I shake his hands and go out.
Now I am on the way to the Institute, my small world where I meet everyday those people I love to be with: my friends. Is Yanina talking about her Hugos ? Is Silvia there giving her opinion s? Is Pato dress as she usually dresses on a Friday? Is Tadeo making people laugh at his jokes? I simply don’t know. I might be late but I hope to see them. I hope so.

To my doll

Many days have passed since I abandoned her
Many days have passed since I played with her.
How long should I bear up without her in my safe arms?
My life seems as if ruined,
My heart leaps as fast as a squirrel
In autumn, or as if in winter
Do you know what I mean?
My favourite doll was now there
In an old wood box in the cellar
Without love,
without feeding nor feelings,
Without soul.
Can you cry child?
Are you starving of fondness?
Why is your mother so wick?
She’s so evil, heartless.
She has grown up by now,
Her innocence drifted away as
Water runs rapidly in a river
Is there any reason to be unknown?
The doll is in box
As my mind and my oppressed love.

A prostitute in Jack the Ripper’s time

My empty existence is due to
The unfortunate events that took place in my childhood
I left home to see life at twelve.
I had to work, work and work
in the streets, in the suburbs of London
to make some money and then to eat.
Though not decent is my labour,
I can manage to earn my living.
In the last days, fear, crime and blood
flooded in London alleys.
Most of those like me were
Disembowelled Raped and ripped.
Nobody knows who this beast may be.
Afraid of having a similar fait,
I decided to go on cautiously
With my job. After all,
Starvation is even worse
than a serial murderer. You know?

A bit of Me

No ideas come to my mind. It’s the first time something like this happens to me. I am sitting in the front of my PC screen drinking a hot cup of coffee. I fell as I knew anything. My brain is as clean as a white sheet. But, all in a sudden, all my past memories come back to me once again.
I imagine myself playing with FUFI my favourite doll, or singing in the school chorus. Why can’t I go on swimming in my pool with my brother till dark arrived? Why can’t I be a child again?
My mother says I still being a child! Isn’t it funny? She always tells me I am spontaneous. In fact, Iam. As one of my friends said: “your spontaneity is great for those who know you well. Yet there may be others who do not see that spontaneity but they think as disrespect. You can’t hide your feelings you show the world your deceptions your point of view and that can hurt people o at least bother them. You are a white sheet that can easily be read.” May be that’s true because Iam not cynical but direct.
But I have to tell that I have grown up! Being spontaneous is the same as being childish, but a virtue.
The first I realize Iam talking about my self, am I crazy? Left judgements for the rest of the spectators in this world wide stage.

A Silly Verse
My imagination has gone
My semblance is blunt
My weight is that of a feather
My hurt is my spine

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2007

Natural Disasters: Floods

In 2000 the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina was hit by a severe flood. How devastating this natural disaster can result is out of discussion. The causes and the far-reaching effects on the environment of such a phenomenon are diverse. Both causes and effects depend on the type of floods, which can be classified according to its overall duration.

The so-called “Slow onset flood” usually lasts for a relative longer period which ranges from weeks to months. The causes of this type of flood have a natural basis. Geographical location is a vital factor to consider. Not only regions near a river or the sea can be liable to floods but also geographical zones where terrible draughts affect the soil qualities. So, when continuous rains fall down in deserted places the flood water can raze sites to the ground. Dreadful economic loses can be produced to such an extent that millions and millions of local currencies are estimated as damages on agriculture and other areas of production.

The one called “Rapid onset floods” lasts for a relatively shorter period: hours or days. The shorter the period, the greater the risk it poses to life and property, as people usually have less time to take preventative action. Many factors contribute to the formation of this type of flood. Besides weather condition, cracks in badly-built levees and dams and indiscriminate tree felling stimulate soil erosion and landslides. These catastrophic consequences lead to even worse effects. Death of people at the very moment the disaster takes place or afterwards. Many survivors who are injured get infected with micro-organism incubated in the putrefact environment. At environmental level, the destruction of entire habitats implicates the extinction of innumerable species of animals and vegetation.

Floods as a natural disaster are devastating. To understand why floods are caused and how they may affect us, slow or rapid onset floods have to be considered separately. However no matter how many different flood variants there might be, radical damage is always suffered by people and the environment from these natural disasters: floods.

Advantages and disadvantages of living at home past the age of 18

The last decades have witnessed a huge range of changes in society. One of them has to do with the age of which young people consider themselves mature enough to leave home and start a new life on their own. Some of them, however, whether single or married or single parents choose to stay because they say, they are pursuing a university career or they have started postgraduate studies or they have just got a new job and they need time to settle down. This situation, in which adults refuse to leave the nest, provokes widespread debates considering the advantages and disadvantages of living at home past the age of 18.
Diverse advantages can be found to the issue in question. To begin with, there are many adults who feel the necessity of being part of a family circle. Loneliness is probably the sensation most feared by this new generation of people. That is why; they continually resort to their respective families in any mishaps. What is more, these adults gradually take on more responsibilities concerning their households. From looking after their pets to cooking a meal, they engage in different activities that allow them to develop skills and lend a hand to their families. Another positive aspect to be considered is that family support encourages these adults to grow as professionals. All these positive aspects can be found when dealing with the situation in question.
Unfortunately, however, there is a tendency for young people over 18 to remain at home rather than trying to live a life alone. This can be demonstrated by this new generation, which still follows and accepts certain moral principles or rules of behaviour imposed by their family. In addition to dependence on family social codes, these adults are aware of irrelevant family problems such as who has to take the dog out or what to do with a piece of furniture not needed any longer. All these drawbacks can generate a denial to leave home and face life.
Finally, it can be said that many adults do not leave home immediately after they are 18. Some still consider their parental home as a shelter from everyday situations. This issue provokes heated debates regarding the advantages and disadvantages of living at home past the age of 18.

A desperate mail by a teenager

First, I went out with my friends last Saturday, don’t you remember I told you? Well, there, in the pub they introduced me to him… He was a burden a guy who likes to feel the company of someone. Second, he is my best friend’s friend. The guy invited me to dine on Monday…I didn’t think in that moment I was doing something wrong, quite the opposite I found the chance to tell him he was losing his time and I wanted to make clear that I am going out with you…Since then, I have never seen him again and I hope never to. Then, later that Monday, You and I met at the festival. I felt guilty for hiding things and I told you everything, every single detail. I couldn’t keep it silent. I felt I had the need to tell you the truth. And what was your response to my sincerity? Reproaches, you told me how bad a person I am but you never let me explain what really happened in that dinner in the restaurant. Come on! I kicked his chances out!?
I know you are right when you say I was bad in accepting the invitation, but I did it just because he is my best friend’s friend. I did it because I didn’t want to disappoint my friend Shenna who begged me to do so. I assume that I was childish in doing so but I accept my mistakes. Yet, you didn’t let me explain anything you just kept insulting me and you just turned round and walked away. I phoned you many times but you didn’t answer me back, not a single phone call, not even a text message in our cell phones… Please Mike.. look I am sorry can I have a words with you ? I want to explain this right now! I need you most than anyone, more than anymore. XXX Mary.

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2007

Shattered lives

Feelings of despair invaded my room
My heart like a devastated fortress
Let them in
I am so sad
I have no words to describe it
I can’t even convey my frustration
My heart is aching
My soul is dressed in black
My lips dried
My eyes have died
My fingers don’t even move
My fears are stuck
That’s why I don’t trust
Any way who cares to be loved?
Different feelings play in my swollen heart
Life had left
My brother did the same
One not long ago the other since ages
Wherever I go
I carry my burden on my back
And I only gossip God my silence.
The little sister

“Good bye, mom” were the last words he uttered. It was a Thursday at midday. He had just finished his lunch. He joked with her mother and played with her little sister. He kissed his mother tenderly on her forehead. His broadly and gently smile and his coy glance were the last precious memories that her mother would never her forget and who by any chance brings them into her mind. He closed the door and he departed for never to return.
Hours passed, a mysterious telephone call interrupted the mother doing the housework. Suddenly, she started to get worried because something wrong was going on. He r son never arrived at his job. The little sister decided to help her by looking up telephone numbers of different hospitals in case of accident. But nobody saw, not even heard about him.
His mother desperately phoned even to the young boy’s girlfriend’s home. Nobody knew anything. Minutes later, the phone rang again, the mother picked it up and answered it, while his little sister was still looking for telephone numbers which to call. The mother’s eyes were full of tears. She cried her eyes out. She went straight to the factory where the boy worked.
Once there, she saw her son lying dead on the floor. Murder? Suicide? No, it was a sudden death that couldn’t be prevented, a death for all his family members. This was just the beginning of a night mare that has not finished yet.


Under the oak tree, I sit with my notebook ready to start writing my entries. The sun like a ball of fire hit my legs who are extended and relaxed. Metres away, my mother knits a green scarf. She patiently looks at the magazine trying to copy the scarf model. At the distance, I see him coming lolling out his tongue. Felipe is one of the most beautiful beauties, if not the most, I have ever seen. Believe it or not, Felipe is my little puppy dog.
Purely white, his plump body moves graciously when I look at him run towards me. His sad glance catches anyone’s attention. Staring me fixedly, he posses his head on my knee just to be patted on his enormous head. His huge mouth eats the biscuits I give him but they are just not enough! He keeps on eating!
How can’t I love him? Felipe is more than a dog; he is my friend and companion. In the mornings, he gets into my room. I am still lying in bed awake but I stay quite when I hear him coming in. He approaches cautiously to me and with his humid snout pushes my back till I move. Then I move and fondle his white pale ears. Or when I leave home whether to work or to study, he starts barking at e through the spaces left open in the fence. And I chat to him saying. My friend I‘ll go back soon ok?” His sad look keeps me watch until I turn round the corner.
When I return home, he is the first one to wait for me. My mother says he enters my room poses his head on by bed and sniffs around it. After this, he goes back to the picket fence where his cute head approaches through the spaces left between each flat stick of wood and keeps watching towards the direction he last saw me and cries. Felipe is my sweet little dog who would say he is a dogo?

Love is not longer safe

Her long black hair shone under the hot sun in one street in Fez. Nourandine is 19 years old and as a Muslim girl, her parents overprotect her all the time. She is engaged to a man she does not know yet, a rich Moroccan businessman in his middle thirties.
She finished her high school in her natal city but she wanted to continue her studies in Europe.
She dreamed of being a University lecturer in France or Spain. Her ideals brought many problems to the young bride. Her future husband’s family refused their approval of letting her go abroad. No matter the noble cause Nourandine wanted to do, both families were worried about the partial freedom the girl might obtain if she travelled away from their town. But, what most frightened them was the idea that the girl might find a new man to love there in the crusaders’ land. Even worst the situation might turn out if this boy or man is a Catholic or a Protestant. Intermarriage is a widespread custom in countries such as France and Spain nowadays.
Afraid of conversion, both families agreed not to break the marriage contract by any means by sending her to France with two old ladies who might control her “·movements”.
At university, Nourandine studied law in Marsella where she met many students from other countries. Close friends did they became to her though the majority were Catholics. Yet, some of them were Muslim university classmates too.
After three years, she returned to Morocco where she finally married with the man her family imposed. What they did not know was that Nourandine was also engaged as a second wife with an Islamic boy in Marsella. The problems between distance and love; and not between religions, have just begun for Nourandine.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2007

At the bottom of the sea

"How deep should I sink her body into the water so to avoid her accusing glance? I thought it could be easy and that my business was over. I thought that the stabs at her back were enough for her to stop breathing and to stop mocking at me."
The girl's corp, white as blanket, was lying on the beach. Heer lips were violet and her eyes kept wide open as ever before. Her frosty look seemed as if surprised but horrified at the same time.
Jeremy and Lilian had met in the Prep and since then, they had been going out. As many couples, they were happy and enjoyed their relationship the most. They liked doing the same things, the same activities and freetime activities. Anyone who had the chance to met them would say they were bread and butter,
But also, the couple had their days during which it was better not to notice their respective moods; specially Jeremy who was a really jelous man. He hated the way boys in town looked at Lilian when they went out to any place whether to a pub or to a church.
Lilian was a possesive but patient person. Her charms caught the attention to anyone who had the pleasure to met her. Though beautiful as she was, she did not pay to much attention to the men's compliments she quite often received in the streets. She just nodded her head and continue her path.
Once in a familiar party, Jeremy's cousin invited her to dance tango. Jeremy relatives began saying:"Hey jeremy, be careful", "Tim is dangerous". They all laughed and kept saying the same throughout the night. Yet, he ended up to be disgusted by the stupid jokes. The party came to an end and the young couple departed to their department.
Jeremy was driving the car. There was a perpetual silence, no conversation at all. Suddenly, she asked if something bother him since hed did not speak since they started driving. He did not answer. Jeremy kept driving the car but in direction to a road leading to the coast.
-"Sweetheart, where are we going?"
-"I want to have a word with you, may I?", he pointed out.
- "Yes, sure" anwered Lilian smiling gently thinking about herboyfriend's lack of self-confidence. She knew he was bothered by the "incident" at the party, but this was usual among them.
The car stopped. they decided to talk in the sandy coast. However it was a romantic view, the chat grew from an asking for an explanation to a fierce quarrel.
-"You like people look at you, don't you?. And now my own relatives mocked at me because of your continuous flirting!"
-"Jeremy, honey, what are you talking about?"Lilian did not even finish saying this when he took the knife he had hidden in his jeans after cutting the cake in the party.
He stabbed it on her thirteen times.
Nobody heard the screams in that sandy paradise, on the beach coast.

jueves, 26 de abril de 2007


It was a long, dark and gloomy night in the outskirts of Jerusalem. Surrounded by sand and desert, the Dutch of Aquitaine was waiting for the Moors to come in any moment. He missed his homeland, his comfort and above all the mysterious castle where he lived in.
The Dutch had been in the crusades for over five years. Five years without the chance to see the vast forests or the soft perfume of mistle-toe. The sound of the magnificent waterfall pouring down into piles of cliffs near his antique castle.
This castle had belonged to the Dutch’s family for generations yet, they did not enjoy their lives there, most of them.
However, The Dutch wanted to go home. He was thinking about this, when the infidels arrived the place ready to fight. The whole battlefield was bleeding. Corps were lying dead everywhere whether beheaded, or disembowelled. Some of them were cut into pieces, some others were impaladed or even worse, they were crucified.
The view was devastating; The Dutch was one of the fewer crusaders who survived. And since the Moors defeated them, the crusaders and with them, the Dutch withdrew.
After the massacre, a long trip was waiting him. He needed to go back to his land where his castle was waiting for his lord’s presence.
Once in Aquitaine, he went straight to his castle. His servants received his lord with honours and celebrated their master’s arrival the whole day. After such a trip, the Dutch was tired. He went to his room and fell asleep. He slept day and night as if he did not for a long time, which in fact was true. He had not.
Nights passed, and nightmares appeared. His mind recalled the horror lived in the Crusades. He began to stay awake at nights. He was afraid of any complot against him. May be the Moors a re there in his own castle! He thought about tall, dark Moors following him trying to catch him. He cried and screamed. All the noises echoed o the stone walls of his castle. He risked going out of the chamber where he was since his arrival to Aquitaine just to see the “Moors”, but his servile Moors were not there anymore. His servants had left the castle, his master and his madness alone.
The Dutch, his visions and his castle were abandoned in the solitary forest of Aquitaine. After all, The Dutch as well as his ancestors did not enjoy his stay in the old medieval castle.

To my deepest love Dulcinea

How many giants shall my sword thrust?
To show you, my fair lady,
You are my overwhelming love?
You, my dearest, Dulcinea,
the purest of all.
Can you give me a tender kiss
to be more brave in heart and soul?
I fought against the impertinence of thieves
And those who ruined our noble hearts
Just to save our world from the impious growth.
No efforts is to me when fighting for this noble cause
My ideal love to hold your fairy hand
is the most precious gift of all.
My princess, my perfect maid
You are the dream of any men
But you, my faithful Dulcinea,
You and your heart belong to this simple but noble knight
who preaches chivalry and alertness every night.

sábado, 21 de abril de 2007


Knelt, the friars were praying in the stone-made church. It was a winter day in the snowed Pyrenees Mountains. The old monastery was quite, in complete silence. Everything seemed calm except for the kitchen where a fat monk was cooking.
The steam of the pots and pans, the smell of herb and spice mixture were present in the room. The crispy sound of garlics which were fried in pure olive oil, were ready to be added in the tomato sauce.
All in a sudden, a novice monk rushed into the kitchen. He brought a large basket full of fresh vegetables.
-“These vegetables are what our abbot wants you to cook for him and Benedict”.
“Benedict was a monk who held a high position in the abbey since he was in charge of the convent’s library. H e was renowned for his wide knowledge in Theology and Philosophy. Yet, some unconfirmed rumours among the young monks were flying about. All of them referring to Benedict’s passion for the Dark Sciences and “Witchcrafts”.
The cook just took the vegetables and started to wash them carefully to cook them.
Meanwhile, in the library, Benedict was searching for a book he had lost among his favourites. He was in a section of the library not allowed for others to get in. The book he was looking for was De Profundis, meaning From the Bottom of the Abysm.
While he was cautiously looking for the book, he heard steps approaching to the room as if coming from the stairs. The corpulent friar appeared carrying a tray with Benedict’s food.
-“Father, here it is your meal”
Benedict eyed the friar sceptically as if the friar had had being suspecting of something.
Intimidated for such glancing, the plump friar abandoned the library faster.
Three days later, an order from the Vatican asked his immediate presence in Spain where Dominicans were waiting for him anxiously.
Once in the horse carriage, Benedict left his library and some of his books; he was ready to assume his post as Inquisitor. What he did not know was that the first one to be judged was himself.

Medieval story

“I’m tired of being a vassal.” “Why should I be happy to belong to my class?” the man muttered. The vassal had to bear up all his landlord’s burdens, taxes and offences since he was born. The vassal paid his allegiance to his lord with tributes, military service, the work in the land and most of his own agricultural production. But it was the vassal’s morale that was affected and undermined. So he decided to go to the lord’s manor house and tell his lord what he felt.
Since he was a child, the oldies from the manor had told him he was the lord’s bastard son who was conceived in one of those many times of the lord’s drunkenness. Besides this, the vassal had to work the lord’s land day and night so as to raise crops first. The little time left he had, the vassal devoted his efforts in taking care of pastures and his small parcels where meagre products were collected if not ruined because of bad weather conditions.
Insulted, exploited, the vassal was getting tired. Once he reached his 20’s he met a serf from the manor next to his. They wanted to have a family but she was to spend the first night after marriage with the vassal’s lord. The lord had bought the girl just having in mind of his noble right.
-“He will not have that opportunity”, “I will not let him do so”, the vassal was thinking about this possible future and also about his past misadventures while walking in direction to the lord’s castle.
-“What do you want?”
-“To talk to the lord “.
-“You can not”. “He’s not here”.
-“But, It is about my fiancée”.
-“Let him in”, cried a grave voice. It was the lord who was sitting in a huge leathered chair in a dark room just lightened by some candles. The room was cold. The fire in the chimney was a sort of orange.
-“Pardon my lord, for interrupting your…”
-“Come in … what you about to say about your future wife were?” “Is there anything which I do not know?” he interrupted.
-“I do not want to get married”. The fire of the chimney grew in size and the colour of the flames turned from that pale orange to a vermillion.
-“How dare you do such a thing to me?” the lord said while jumping from his chair as a lion. “I have already bought that girl”.
-“I will not let you to have her first”.
The lord started laughing at the boy’s ideas. But you can not. It’s our contract you are my vassal and I am your lord. Anyway, she is my property now”.
The lord was still mocking at the young vassal’s convictions when the boy jumped over the lord and stabbed a knife on him many times. The lord fall on his knees and then to the floor. He lied dead.
Steps were approaching, when the vassal stayed thinking in his past life and stayed there static waiting for his punishment.