domingo, 27 de mayo de 2007

To my doll

Many days have passed since I abandoned her
Many days have passed since I played with her.
How long should I bear up without her in my safe arms?
My life seems as if ruined,
My heart leaps as fast as a squirrel
In autumn, or as if in winter
Do you know what I mean?
My favourite doll was now there
In an old wood box in the cellar
Without love,
without feeding nor feelings,
Without soul.
Can you cry child?
Are you starving of fondness?
Why is your mother so wick?
She’s so evil, heartless.
She has grown up by now,
Her innocence drifted away as
Water runs rapidly in a river
Is there any reason to be unknown?
The doll is in box
As my mind and my oppressed love.

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